Tips To Remember When Buying Hay

Tips To Remember When Buying Hay

  • Quality hay will always be fine-stemmed. It will be greeny and soft, providing a delicate bite. Do not bother about the discoloration on the outside and focus more on the inside.
  • Avoid anything that is over-cured and has been under excessive heat. Refrain from using dusty hay that has a moldy smell.
  • Do not select the bales that seem heavy on the touch. They could have excessive moisture that could worsen over time.
  • To preserve the nutritional quotient, it is advised to buy hay and feed within a year of harvest.
  • Opt for hay that has been extracted during the early bloom. You can determine the maturity level by inspecting the leaves, stems, and flowers.

Bottom Line
The quality of hay can depend on several factors, including weather conditions and storage possibilities. It is recommended to store the same in a dry and sheltered area to protect it from heat and rain. If you are planning to buy it, get it from the source that has the required facilities to store the hay well.

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